'The course was brilliant. It was packed full of useful content and I was excited...every week. The videos gave me something to focus on during the week and I could feel myself improving. The style of teaching was super, lovely positive attitude that made me feel that I could improve.'

Tracy Gilbert (2022 live course student)

‘It was a great chance to take some time out for myself and sit down in front of the piano which I hadn't done in a while. The materials were great … The songs were great - lots of variety. You have a lovely voice and manner so it was enjoyable to listen to you.’

Clare O'Reilly (2021 live course student)

‘I found it most enjoyable. . . It was a lovely way to re-start my interest in learning to play piano after decades. The clear concise instruction was a breath of fresh air compared to how I was taught it as a child.'

Assumpta Glynn (2021 live course student)

Hi, I’m Liz Seaver

I am a professional musician who has performed and toured across Europe, released albums, had a top 5 hit, sang in advertising campaigns for radio and television, written music for theatre and film, am in a rock band and of course I have been teaching private music lessons for over fifteen years now.

I am passionate about teaching piano, guitar and singing. I love to help people reach their musical goals. Why not check out my courses inside.